GMO – These are not your friend!

This is a big issue and topic, this article will only scratch the surface, but it’s one I’ve been wanting to share for some time with you.

What is Genetically Modified (GM) / Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)?

1996 saw the introduction of genetically modified (GM) “roundup ready” crops. These are crops that have had genes manipulated through genetic engineering. Organisms modified in this way are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GM foods were developed to create crops that are resistant to pests and disease and therefore produce higher yields. This genetic engineering occurred so that crops would continue to thrive through the use of Roundup. Roundup’s active ingredient is glyphosate. It is a non-selective herbicide which unfortunately means it kills everything but the crop! This means that soil health is seriously damaged and there are significant consequences for our health and the environment. Find out more about glyphosate here.

gmo corn

What foods can be GM?

This list is unfortunately growing but here are some:

  • Corn

  • Soybeans

  • Cotton

  • Canola

  • Safflower

  • Squash

  • Potato

  • Wheat

  • Rice

  • Papaya

  • Sugar Beets

  • Alfalfa (used for animal feed).

  • These are increasing, this site lists some GM foods available.

I recently found out 90% of soy, corn, cotton, canola and sugar beets in the US are GM.


The majority of GM foods in Australia and New Zealand are from GM crops grown overseas and imported here often as a single ingredient (eg. corn/sugar) to be used in a product. No GM crops have been approved for growing in New Zealand.
However, in Australia there are three GM crops grown:

  • Canola (also known as rapeseed oil)

  • Cotton

  • Safflower

  • with more are being trailed.

“The main sources of GM foods in Australia are:

  • Imported GM soya - can be found as an ingredient in a wide range of foods such as chocolate, potato chips, margarine, mayonnaise, biscuits and bread.

  • Cottonseed oil - made from GM cotton, is used by the food industry in Australia for frying, in mayonnaise and salad dressings.

  • Imported GM corn - can be found as an ingredient in imported foods such as breakfast cereals, bread, corn chips, gravy mixes, corn oil, corn flour and corn syrup.

  • Imported GM sugar beet - can be used to produce sugar”

gm corn

Genetic modification is also used to make medicines such as insulin and vaccines.

Interestingly….. Food Standards Australia & New Zealand (FSNAZ) “does not consider that long term studies are generally needed to ensure the safety of GM foods.”. It is also stated that “Not every approved GM food enters the marketplace as food. Many GM crops approved for use as food, are grown for animal feed” …and whom eats the animal? This is just one of the reasons I advocate for eating grass-fed & free-range meat.

GM foods are obviously against Natural Spoonful’s “nature knows best” philosophy. I view this as a public health experiment with unknown long term outcomes. GM crops use more chemicals, they are bred to be resistant to herbicides, this kills natural plants and wildlife and causes environmental damage in the farm and downstream. Not cool!

genetically modified

There is a corrupt corporate power system. GMOs are mostly patented and require farmers to buy brand new crops each growing cycle. They are ultimately controlled by massive corporations like Bayer’s Monsanto.

This completely goes against natural ecological farming systems that support sustainability and nature in general. GM farming unfortunately has extensive health repercussions for humans, animals and the world we live in.

There have been multiple court cases against Bayer’s Monsanto corporation which produces genetically modified crops and Roundup. They have paid out billions of dollars as they have been found guilty on multiple occasions that the weed killer Glyphosate was responsible for causing cancer! A recent 2019 study found that those who have high exposure rates, raise the risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma by 41%! 

gmo food

How can I tell which foods are GM?

You NEED to read your food labels. Find out how here.

Australian food labels are required to state if an ingredient is GM however “Certain GM foods or ingredients are exempt from labelling.  For example, GM flavourings that are present in food in a concentration of no more than 0.1% are exempt from the labelling requirement” (source).

genetically modified

You may have started to hear about New Breading Techniques (NBT), this is essentially the progression of GM as they continue to manipulate food through new practices like Genome Editing. Concerning stuff in my opinion.

Let your food be real in the way that nature intended it to be.

Want to dive deeper?

If you’re wanting more on this topic, I highly recommend following along with Vandana Shiva who is an Environmental Activist & Anti-Globalisation Author. Vandana Shiva (nicknamed the “Gandhi of Grain”) has done incredible work with bringing concerns of genetic modification to light.

Want more?

My Low Tox Food Program is my signature program and honestly my true passion. It will help you get back in touch with REAL food. I go through every food product imaginable, giving you the confidence that what you are adding to your shopping trolley is free of nasties, additives and is actually going to nourish your body. Find out more here.


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·      Why choose Wild Seafood?
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·      Eating Organic… is it Worth it?


Eeeek MSG does what!?


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